The most popular extensions at the lowest prices. Register your domain now.

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  • Bulk verification

Partner ICI - National Institute for Development Research in Computer Science. ROTLD

All domains include

Choose the registration or renewal of your domains through NSHOST and take advantage of the benefits we offer you to make your domain visible in the online environment!

Whois protection

Whois protects you from identity theft and potential spam.

Activation Instant Domain

Your domain will be activated immediately if you pay online with your card or paypal.

Free 24/7 support

Get free support on registering and renewing your domains.

Domains prices

Get your domain live in a few minutes through us. It's easy and very fast to search, register, host, set up emails with the desired domain in just a few minutes.

Extension Registration Transfer Renewal Whois protection
.com - yearly 64 RON 64 RON 64 RON -
.net - yearly 69 RON 69 RON 69 RON -
.org - yearly 69 RON 69 RON 69 RON -
.info - yearly 105 RON 105 RON 105 RON -
.eu - yearly 45 RON 45 RON 45 RON
.mobi - yearly 249 RON 249 RON 249 RON
.tv - yearly 199 RON 199 RON 199 RON -
.ro - yearly 39 RON Free 39 RON

Please note that we cannot guarantee domain availability until you have purchased the domain name and our system has successfully confirmed the registration process.

Frequent questions


What is a domain name?

Domain names are used to more easily identify a web page or IP address.

How long does it take to register a domain?

After the payment of the order is made, the domain is activated automatically and can be used immediately.

What is a domain extension?

A domain extension is the suffix of a web address, such as .ro or .com.

Can I use the domain for the email address?

Yes, with the help of the cPanel administration service, you can create an unlimited number of email addresses using the chosen domain.

What can I do with a domain?

A web domain helps you promote and protect your business in the online environment by having easy access to it.

Can I sell or transfer a domain?

Yes, this is possible. All you have to do is access the Customer Area and release the authorization key.

Can I choose my own domain name?

You can choose your own domain name, but you have to pay an annual fee of 39 RON + VAT (for .ro domains) to remain its owner. All domain names must comply with the appropriate regulations and fall within certain restrictions, such as being unique and consisting only of letters, numbers, and hyphens. A domain name cannot be purchased, but you can continue to use it as long as you pay the fees for it.

What is the difference between domain hosting and web hosting?

Domain name hosting only gives you a place where you can keep your domain name - such as - so you can work with your site. It gives you nothing else. It is a good idea to first make sure of your domain name, and then worry about creating your own website. Web hosting is the hosting you need to effectively make your website work. It is the place where all the files of your web site are live, so that customers can access them online.