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Why NSHOST for Web Hosting

  • 8 years ago
  • posted by: nshost

Why NSHOST for Web Hosting

You are probably wondering "why should I choose NSHOST over other companies?" Well, in the following article we will try to offer a few of the reasons why NSHOST is most likely the best suited company for your web hosting needs.

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WordPress Mythbusted - Part 2

  • 8 years ago
  • posted by: nshost

WordPress Mythbusted - Part 2

While in the previous article we discussed about why WordPress is the most beloved and complete Content Management Solution currently available for regular users and developers alike, it is time to debunk some of the myths that have also been tied to using this platform for something else than just as a great blogging solution. Here are three myths that are not only untrue but also completely opposite to what the platform is really capable of.

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About DMCA and hosting companies

  • 8 years ago
  • posted by: Radu

About DMCA and hosting companies

If you work as a freelancer you have surely heard about DMCA Or Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This law requires the removal of any content which infringe copy write from the web hosting companies servers.

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Why Hosting SSD

  • 8 years ago
  • posted by: Radu

Why Hosting SSD

When choosing a hosting package, the main concern is that the processor and the RAM memory are suitable for the better functioning of the package. Few know the storage is an important element too in terms the speed a site connects to MySql data base and displays the data. There for it is important when choosing a web hosting company to choose one that offers a big storage SSD.

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Video Hosting

  • 8 years ago
  • posted by: nshost

Video Hosting

Astazi va vom vorbi despre Video Hosting. Odata cu raspandirea serviciilor de streaming si video sharing precum YouTube, Vimeo sau Twitch, serviciile de Video Hosting au devenit foarte importante pentru utilizatorii ce vor sa isi faca parerile si experientele cunoscute intregii lumi.

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